Casio is a Japanese founded electronic company best known for its cameras, watches, calculators, musical instruments and PDA systems
1946 Kashio Seisakujo founded in Mitaka, Tokyo
1954 First prototype of all-electric compact calculator (relay model) completed
1957 Marketing for the world’s first compact all-electric calculator, the “Casio 14-A” begins, and Casio Computer Co., Ltd. is established
1960 Tokyo factory completed in Yamato-machi, Kitatama-gun (now Higashi Yamato City), Tokyo.
Tadao Kashio becomes company President
1962 Sales Department established, with a dual sales system employing dealer and direct sales
1965 Exclusive dealer contract with Uchida Yoko Co., Ltd., discontinued; Casio takes over 50 sales outlets
Release of the 001, an electronic desktop calculator with onboard memory
1966 Head office moved to Yamato-machi, Kitatama-gun (now Higashi Yamato City), Tokyo
Electronic desktop calculators exported overseas for the first time
1967 European office opened in Zurich, Switzerland
Casio enters the US and Canadian markets (OEM partnership with Commodore)
Release of the world’s first programmable electronic desktop calculators with program (AL-1000 series)
1969 Kofu Factory completed in Tamaho-mura, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi
This info from Casio company website
Please remember that this is an unofficial account of the history of this company, Should you happen to find any mistakes with our information then please let us know at